Now, I am not an expert in animated personalities but I do have an opinion about Maid Marian that I would like to express. Let*s start with the facts: Marian is a relatively old heroine. Back in the day when Disney*s heroines where just the gals who were rescued by their heros. They just stood there and looked pretty. This was also the time period before revolutionaries like Belle and Jasmine came along. This wasn*t the 'dark ages' it just wasn*t a great time to be a heroine. When I think of the movie Robin Hood I think its a classic. (I*m secretly in love with that fox, but thats another story.) Marian is much more than she appears to be. She*s practically locked away from the rest of the world, with nothing but a want poster to reminder of her beloved Robin Hood. So, she comes across as this slightly wimpy damsel waiting around for Robin to sweep her off her feet. Not only is this not true, but there is also much more to her.
Item #1. Marian is the niece of the King. She is in love with an outlaw. In the meantime, she is stuck behind palace walls. No princess or maiden has ever challenged palace walls until the Golden Ages of Aladdin - which is relatively far off. Plus, she would be climbing over the walls to find Robin Hood. Where do you find Robin? He*s everywhere doing everything! Its rather difficult.
Item #2. She isn*t just a damsel. During the fighting scene after the archery contest, she has no weapons. As soon as she got her hands on one (one of the comical actions of Marian: it was pie) she used it. She also has a sense of humor. Robin purposed to her and she said yes but due to the surroundings she playfully added, 'Although you could have picked a more romantic setting..' She also plays pretend with Skippy, a young rabbit who is faithful admirer of Robin Hood. So far we have established that: Marian doesn*t just stand and watch Robin do all the work, she is playful, she*s a daydreamer, Marian has a playful side to her and she doesn*t care about her reputation (she marries an outlaw- and she*s related to the royals).
Item #3. The reason this is called the Lady of Sherwood is because she isn*t the Lady of England. She belongs and feels most comfortable being a lady of Sherwood forest. She would chose that life over her own at any moment. The scene where she and Robin walk through the woods and then he leads her to Sherwood forest, is not only romantic but afterwards everyone throws them a celebration. She danced and fully participated showing she was comfortable where she was. She is the Lady of Sherwood.
Item #4. The girl has got guts. She admits to Prince John she loves Robin Hood and begs for him not to murder him. The exchange goes something like this:
Marian: Please sir I beg you to spare his life.
John: Why emotional lady should I?
Marian: (tears) Because I love him.
John: Love him? And does he return your love?
Robin: Marian my darling, I love you more than life itself.
John: Your words have not fallen on a heart of stone... but traitors to the crown MUST DIE!
Robin: Traitors to the crown? That crown belongs to King Richard. LONG LIVE KING RICHARD
- Like I said, the girl has some guts.
Now I ask you, do you think Marian is a worthy heroine?
Why or Why Not?
Go to the Main Page and send me feedback.
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