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Material is Offensive to Anti-Arielists
Ariel Fans: WELCOME!
I was obsessed with Ariel when I was younger. She was kind, brave, passionate, daring, beautiful and has a great voice. What more could you want? As I got older, I developed a small place of dislike for Ariel (Ariel Fans: keep reading, there is a happy ending ^_^). Numerous websites rang out saying, "So and so is better than Ariel because... she loves Eric just for his looks- You have to admit it she loved him from the second she laid eyes on him- The first attraction was purely physical- I mean look at how materialistic! She cries over materials and marries a guy she liked looks only! CASE CLOSED!" Well my friends, I know that is not the case...
Ariel. Grotto Girl. 'DADDY NO!' - 'He's so Beautiful...' Materialist?
I Think Not.
Exhibit A: Love At First SIGHT - Okay folks, its in the description. You see someone and you just KNOW he is the one. It's in your heart, not your eyes. And if he's good looking are you not allowed to say he is? SINCE WHEN?
Exhibit B: Ariel loves the world above, which 1. She isn't allowed to see 2. She isn't able to go up all the time due to restrictions. So all of you brilliant Ariel critics, I ask you, how would you go about admiring another world hm? Ariel goes to sunken ships, where she can go to observe the world she wants to be apart of. She collects these objects, which help her to understand and be as much apart of that world without getting rid of her fins. When her father destroys them, is he doing it to teach her a lesson about materialism? I think not. It was so she couldn't be influenced by humans, couldn't learn anything about them, couldn't daydream about being one of them - which is EXACTLY their purpose. Not so she could say, oh yea I have more thing-a-ma-bobs that you Adella! If someone has a problem with learning, being influenced by other cultures or daydreaming please leave this site.
Exhibit C: What about the comment: Ariel gives up her family, her life, her fins, her world for some guy she saw on a boat. How is that logical or even sane? Answer: What is not logical or sane is that comment. First of all, she wanted to go to the surface WAY before she saw, saved and sang to Eric. Secondly, she doesn't like her fins or her world (Hello! Before you criticize a movie or character, learn the songs please! Part of That World and Part of Your World (Reprise)! "Flippin' your fins you don't get too far. Legs are required for jumpin' dancin' strollin' along down up, whats that word again? Street." and "Bet they don't reprimand their daughters. Bright young women, sick of swimmin' ready to stand." That was even BEFORE Triton ruined all of her collect. Two words for him (as much as I love him): Anger Management!)
So there you have it folks. If there is any other subject you would like me to cover, go to the main page and click feedback. Also, I would love to hear other Ariel Fans and what they think of this page, what to add, take away etc. This page is to say the truth and to stick up for Ariel. It would be nice to feel some direct support!
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